Laughasaurus worthiness:
The Onion is great with political humor. Good political humor is not something to be ignored, and at Laughasaurus we definitely do not ignore it.
This map was in the issue of The Onion that came out a day after the election, giving it the perfect poise to give its readers an ache in their sides from laughing. I remember when this issue came out, and I was standing by myself in the DC metro reading...and laughing.
I've always thought the true test of what makes something (anything) funny is when you are watching/viewing/reading it by yourself and it makes you laugh out loud. Laughter has strength in numbers. Pay attention the next time you watch a funny movie (perhaps Airplane!) with a group--then watch the same movie alone and notice the disparity.
That being said, and since reading The Onion is more often a personal activity (as is reading in general), when you catch yourself L-ing-O-L, you know you've got a winner.
This map was also very pertinent because, if you'll remember, in the weeks before the election every news site had their own map with voter predictions. Of course they were mostly colored red and blue for Republicans and Democrats, but then seeing a map with states colored "Seceded" and "Should feel lucky they got to vote at all after what happened last time," has got to be enough for a chuckle.
And as always, The Onion adds some more random, screwball options, like grouping Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas and calling it the "Forbidden Zone," or Montana's "Upset about being shaded chartreuse on the map," are classic unpredictable Onion moves.
So if you're red, blue, chartreuse, or still too scared to leave the voting booth and face election results (that's you, Mississippi and Iowa!), enjoy the map and thanks for stopping by at Laughasaurus!
Mississippi was too scared. Missouri was "Election? What election? Oh dear God, the election!"
ReplyDeleteomigosh you're right! I fixed it though. Thanks so much for pointing that out! (I guess I need to learn my US map a little better.)